New Student Enrollment

If this is your first time enrolling in our district:
click here to register
for the 2024-2025 school year.

If you have enrolled in our district before:
skyward login
Login and click on the button labeled, New Student Enrollment.

Here is a video tutorial on what the process looks like:

If you are currently enrolled, please click HERE for information on how to update your student(s) information.

Questions? Please contact:

Discovery Primary School
Vicky Franklin ([email protected])
(253) 517-1200

Fife Elementary School
Jennifer Padilla
([email protected]
(253) 517-1400

Hedden Elementary School
Melissa Martin ([email protected])
(253) 517-1500

Surprise Lake Middle School
Sher Greer ([email protected])
(253) 517-1300

Columbia Junior High
Cheri Wolfrom ([email protected])
(253) 517-1600

Fife High School
Cori Guilford ([email protected])
(253) 517-1100

If you are unable to enroll online, you can call or drop by the school office to request a paper packet.

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