The student representative(s) will be a preferential voting status member who contributes to School Board discussion by providing student insight and perspective, serves as a liaison for the associated student body and reports to students about the work of the School Board and district activities.
Preferential voting rights give a student representative to the Board the right to vote before the official vote of the governing Board. The student representative’s vote does not count toward the final numerical outcome of the vote but must be recorded in the meeting minutes. This procedural order is intended to ensure that student representatives’ opinions are taken into account before a Board vote.
Each selected student representative will serve a two-year term beginning in July and concluding in June. As for the 2023-2024 school year being the first year of having Student Representatives on the school board, the incoming Senior Rep will only serve a one year term.
Fife School District Board Policy 1250 and Board Procedure 1250P contain further information about this position.
Student Representative Qualifications
- Entering their junior year in the school year following their selection.
- Academic standing prior to and during their term of appointment that is equivalent to requirements for participation in athletics or other student activities.
- Maintain standards of behavior aligned with participation in student activities.
- Attend Fife High School at least three periods a day.
- Be willing to convey student opinion to the Board and report Board deliberations and actions to the student body.
- Student representatives will follow all the rules and regulations pertaining to Board directors.
- Receive and review copies of all regular meeting agendas, minutes, and other relevant information, excluding executive session and closed session/private meeting materials.
- Complete required Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) training required of all Board directors and participate in an orientation process.
- Attend Board retreat if applicable.
- Attend Board meetings and work sessions each month and convey student opinion to the Board and report Board deliberations and actions to the student body. Regular Board meetings are held on the first Monday evening of each month. Study Sessions are held Mid-month on Mondays as needed.
- Communicate with their Associated Student Body (ASB) Executive Board and student body.
- Consider joining the WSSDA Student Representative Network.
Final selection of two student representatives (one incoming junior and one incoming senior for the 2023-2024 school year) will be made in June via an interview process if needed.